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EM beads

Here you can find the EM ceramic beads that you can use for your paracord projects. The grey beads are round and oblong, which is why they are often referred to as ceramic pipes or EM pipes. The beads are available both per piece and per package of 500 grams (350 pieces).

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  1. EM Ceramic Pipe - 10 mm (pc.) Numero dell'articolo: MT017983

    EM Ceramic Pipes are applicable for both dogs and cats.

    Scopri di più
    • Da 10 unità 0,18 € per unit.
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  2. EM Ceramic Pipes - 10 mm (ca. 500 gram) Numero dell'articolo: MT017972

    EM Ceramic Pipes are applicable for both dogs and cats.

    Scopri di più
    44,85 €
    per 500 g
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For most of our customers, the application of these beads for dog products is a so-called anti-tick collar with EM ceramic beads. On our YouTube channel, you will find two examples of how to make a paracord collar with these beads. The first shows how to make a Type III collar with EM beads, the second shows how to do this with the cobra knot in paracord Type 1.

These ceramic beads are often used for the prevention of ticks. Due to the lack of scientific evidence or studies, we cannot confirm that these beads have any effect on ticks or health in general.